Pops Talks Shop
May 28, 2019 03:16PM ● By Donna Production
A quick google search on the word mothering gets more than three times as many hits as the word fathering. The disparity hints at a reality that affects many fathers: The amount of parenting support for moms is far greater than that which is available for dads. With its Dads’ Support Group, the Luma Center in Petaluma aims to do its part to help fill in the gap. Facilitated by local fathers Chad Zibelman and Steve Encinas, the group includes everyone from new to seasoned dads. It meets 8–9:30 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month; the next meeting is on June 18. Admission is free the first visit and $10 thereafter. See thelumacenter.com/events to sign up; drop-ins are welcome.