Santa Rosa, CA 95403
SCOE Overview: The mission of the Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE) is to foster student success through service to students, schools, and the community.
SCOE is a partner to the county’s 40 districts, providing services and oversight that help them serve roughly 68,000 students. SCOE does not have or create policies directing district behavior. Each district sets its own policies. Here are some of the key programs SCOE offers:
• Service and support to help districts meet legal mandates, operate cost-effectively, and raise student achievement.
• Fiscal oversight to districts.
• Schools and services for special education and alternative education students who are not enrolled at district sites.
• College and Career Readiness Services helps districts prepare their students for college and career.
• Professional development for teachers and administrators.
County Superintendent and County Board
Steven D. Herrington, Ph.D., is the elected Superintendent of Schools and serves as SCOE’s chief administrative officer. The separately elected members of the Sonoma County Board of Education work with the Superintendent to oversee county education initiatives.
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Education Facts About Sonoma County
History of the Sonoma County Office of Education
Sonoma County Superintendent of Schools
Sonoma County Board of Education
SCOE Priorities
California Common Core State Standards Facilitate and successfully implement the Common Core State Standards, pre-kindergarten to grade 12
College and Career Readiness Support academically rigorous and relevant career and college preparation for all students; promote 21st century teaching and learning to ensure that students acquire critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity skills
School Success for English Learners Develop and support strategies to ensure that English learners are successful in school settings; promote best practices through professional development for educators
Continuous Improvement Provide support, resources, and expertise to help districts and schools build local capacity to address disparities in opportunities and improve outcomes for all students.
Financial and Economic Stability Support and facilitate financial decision making based on sound economic and educational principles and effective fiscal and accounting practices
Service to Youth and Community Promote activities, events, and community partnerships that support families and help ensure students’ academic success