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Sonoma Family Life Magazine

Is Your Child’s Gaming a Pastime or an Addiction?

By Heather Nardi

Kids love video games. According to a 2018 Pew Research Center study, 90 percent of American teens play them. But along with the fun of playing comes the danger of getting addicted to them. Yes, video game addiction is very real. In 2019, the World Health Organization officially classified it as a mental health disorder. How do you know if your kid is out of control? The team of addiction specialists at Delamere, a private British rehab clinic, offers the following advice.

What is video game addiction?

Gaming addiction refers to the uncontrollable use of video games; it is characterized by compulsive behavior and can develop after a long period of excessive gaming. 

Why do gamers keep going back to play more and more games? 

The answer is neurobiological. When gamers play, their brains’ reward centers release dopamine, a chemical that makes them feel good. So to keep the dopamine hits coming, they keep playing—for endless hours. The small “wins” built into the games—winning highest score and completing one level with the reward of moving onto another—also stimulate dopamine release, which lays the neurobiological groundwork for addiction to develop. 

What signs to look out for?

1. Loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy. Children that become addicted to games can often start to neglect other activities that usually make them happy, such as sports or other hobbies, and socializing with family and friends.

2. Feeling irritable or upset when they can’t play games. Do your kids become angry or upset when their games are taken away from them? It could be a sign of addiction. 

3. Playing games for hours on end. Playing games extensively without a break is a more obvious sign of addiction. So is playing video games for long periods despite being told to reduce the amount of playing time. 

4. Lying about how much time they spend playing games. If your children start to lie about or try to conceal how much time they spend gaming, or if they start going behind your back in order to play games, they could be developing a disorder. 

5. Thinking or talking about their game constantly. There is nothing wrong with your children being engaged with or passionate about a video game. But it’s not okay when it becomes all they talk or think about.

6. Suffering academics. Extensive gaming can distract kids from their responsibilities at school, resulting in frequent homework mistakes or an overall decline in academic performance. 

7. Interrupted sleep habits. If your children are gaming when they should be sleeping, they will start to show signs of sleep deprivation, including a low mood.

8. Being preoccupied, depressed, or lonely. Though gaming can be a social activity, it lacks real-world interactions. Those who are addicted may become melancholy or depressed and withdraw when you try to engage in conversation with them. 

9. Continuing to game despite negative consequences. Even though your children may be aware that their gaming habits are negatively impacting their lives—e.g. sleep deprivation, loss of friends, and arguments with their parents—they keep gaming.

10. Neglecting personal hygiene. Those who are addicted to gaming may avoid showers or not change their clothes for days so that they can spend more time at the computer or on their devices. 

How can you prevent gaming addiction?

Dr. Catherine Carney, a psychiatrist a Delamere, says there are a variety of ways to treat and prevent childhood gaming addiction. “One of the most effective methods is setting a timer for your child to play their chosen game. Once the timer has gone off, they have to turn off the computer and move on to a different activity—allowing them to still enjoy their game in moderation,” she says. 

“Setting a rule that your child only plays games with friends would remove the isolation aspect of gaming addiction,” she continues. “Suggesting a gaming party, rather than a long solo session, would allow your child to improve their teamwork and communication skills—offering a healthier environment for your little one to indulge in their hobby.”  

For more information on video game addiction, go to