13 Tips for Easy Pumpkin Carving

By Christina Katz
1. Pick the prettiest. Large or small, you are looking for sturdy stems, no bruises, and pumpkins that sit pretty. Place the pumpkin on a counter and stoop down to see how it looks at eye level before you buy. Stems break easily so grab the whole pumpkin, not the stem, when you carry it.
2. Timing is everything. The Internet is thick with tips for preserving pumpkins longer. Don’t try them. Simply carve your pumpkins 3–5 days before Halloween for a still-standing-tall guarantee.
3. Make cleanup a snap. The secret weapon for easy pumpkin-carving cleanup is probably out in your garage or shed. It’s a basic plastic tarp. Spread this time-saving savior to contain your carving enthusiasm.
4. Use the proper tools. The best devices for carving jack-o’-lanterns don’t live in your kitchen drawers. Knives slip and spoons bend, so resist the urge to dip into your cutlery. Instead, purchase sturdy metal pumpkin scoops and kid-friendly carving saws you can use year after year.
5. Bigger is better. Enlarge designs for larger pumpkins. Use your home printer or stop by the local copy shop.
6. Start at the top. For large pumpkins, make the opening big enough for your hand; and cut it at a 45-degree angle so the top will nest in place, instead of falling through.
7. Scrape, don’t dig. To keep the pumpkin sturdy, don’t thin the walls of your pumpkin when scooping out the guts.
8. Draw it first. Freehand designs are cute and classic, and young children love them. Use a medium-point washable marker to draw your design, and then wipe away any remaining marks after carving.
9. Slit the paper. If you prefer to transfer a design and the pattern won’t wrap flat around your pumpkin, then, prior to carving, use an X-Acto knife to cut a few up-and-down slits on the paper.*
10. Poke hole-patterns. If you’ve always wanted to attempt a tricky pattern, here’s how to do it: Attach the design to your pumpkin with blue painter’s tape; use a thumbtack, skinny nail, or hat pin to poke shallow holes, just through the pumpkin’s skin, along the design lines; then connect the holes with your carving saw to achieve whatever fancy look you like.*
11. Get your hand in there. Use your finger to push carved pieces out from the inside. If pieces get stuck, go over delicate edges with a filet knife to avoid tearing pumpkin skin.*
12. Discard pulp outdoors. Do not put pulp into your garbage disposal. The place for pumpkin guts is your compost or yard clippings pile. Remove seeds for roasting and then gently shake pulp off your plastic tarp before hosing it off and hanging it out to dry.
13. Keep jacks cool. In warm weather, keep carved pumpkins cool during the day. For longer-lasting displays, avoid direct sunlight. Display them at night and with battery-powered candles to avoid interior damage and fire hazards.
*Techniques for parents only, not young children.
Roast Perfect Pumpkin Seeds
While everyone is carving, put out a large bowl or pot for the pumpkin pulp. When the bowl is half full, loosen the seeds with your hands and fill pot to the three-quarters mark with water. The seeds will rise to the top. Squeeze them through your fingers to remove any clinging pulp as you transfer them to a colander. Then spread them on paper towels and pat dry. Set your oven for 325ºF and transfer seeds to cookie sheets in single layers. Sprinkle each pan of seeds with one or two teaspoons of olive oil and a few generous shakes of salt. Turn seeds with spatula every eight minutes until crispy on the outside and golden on the inside. Do not let seeds turn brown. Remove from oven, cool, and enjoy. Store leftovers in an airtight container at room temperature for up to two months. If you have more seeds than you will eat, make pumpkin seed brittle or pumpkin seed trail mix to bring to Halloween parties as hostess gifts.
Author, journalist, and writing coach Christina Katz enjoys having family fun without spending hours on clean up. Find her at christinakatz.com.