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Sonoma Family Life Magazine

Create memories for life!

Are you ready to discover the untamed beauty, where the wilderness becomes your home, reaching new heights in the great out doors. Creating new memories around the campfire, embark on endless fun activities, sleep under a blanket of starry skies and embark in adventures in natures playground for all. Unforgettable memories await!!

Camp 1-June 24-29, 2024

Camp Tamarancho

The Sonoma County 4-H Summer Camp provides an outdoor setting for group living where young people can design a program to meet the needs of all youth. The camp experience will provide an opportunity for all participants to gain a deeper understanding of their relationships to their fellow man and the natural environment.

The core of the Sonoma County 4-H camp education program is to empower young people to share as partners in decision making, camp planning and implementation, and camp leadership on a day-to-day basis.

Goals of Camp
* To provide opportunities to experience personal growth in self-confidence and self-esteem.
* To develop an awareness, appreciation and understanding of the natural environment, including a concern for conservation and stewardship.
* To develop new friends and create lasting friendships.
* To develop a program that makes fun a priority.
* To provide outstanding learning opportunities.
* To develop opportunities for everyone to learn and practice leadership skills.
* To model group living skills in a healthy and safe environment.

As in most 4-H activities, camp is run by teens, called "staffers," who start meeting in the fall to organize all the aspects of camp- everything from the food to the themes for the events. There is one teen staffer to every five youth (called campers). There are, of course, adult chaperones there as well (one for every ten campers) and a nurse and a lifeguard on staff.

Campers take part in all the classic summer camp activities- hiking, arts and crafts, skits and songs around the campfire. Campers sleep outside under the stars- girls on one side, boys on the other. Each side has its own bathrooms and shower


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